7:00 pm I lie on the couch, exhausted from the day and having somehow—yet again—produced a decent dinner for my family. My head hurts. Turns out I’ve been unconsciously straining my eyes for God only knows how long. Moms do this; we don’t notice our own things until they hurt, and ignore them until we can’t (my glasses arrive next week).
7:05 pm I long for my bed and my shows but I have to present at a 7:30 board meeting. Is it possible to give a presentation full of energy and enthusiasm? At an evening meeting. I haven’t trained properly for this particular Iron Man.
7:10 p.m. I put my earbuds in and listen to my ThinkUp affirmations… I trust myself… I have something special to offer the world. Life’s challenges help me grow and become who I am… The world is abundant and full of joy (and entirely effed-up but everyone I love lives here). I close my eyes and rest both of my fingertips between the eyebrows. This trick worked for me to get my infant son to bed. It also works well for tension headaches.
7:15 p.m. I get up from the couch and remind myself that this is just an invitation. Me and my co-chair will welcome the board into the work of our committee as we strive to better serve our teens and the community. I heat up my tea. I put on a little lipstick. Ha ha! No one will ever know I’m not wearing a bra, because no one will see below my shoulders. Thanks for the virtual meetings!!
7:20 PM I turn on my office light board, which reads POSITIVITY RESONANCE and functions to turn on my own positivity resonance. It reminds us that a heartfelt connection with others is hope in action. Offering positive connection can and does change the dynamics in your brain and the dynamics between people.
7:25 p.m. I pull up my meeting notes and log on. Everyone will be able to understand if I have any difficulties with the technology and someone will help me. I feel lighter and happier when I am part of the meeting. I feel open and ready.
We’ve all been here. Next time you feel anxious, tired, and uninspired, try to see the task as an opportunity for connection. Hug yourself or place a kind hand on your head or heart, and remind yourself that you have something special and important to offer. Even if you don’t know what it is in that moment, you do. You DO.
Need some encouragement? Here’s a 5-minute mood lift for you—a visualization for what’s working well.